Finishing Bible College!

David was called to preach when he was at Big Bear Bible Camp high in the California mountains as a young man.  He attended Bible College before he met me but didn’t finish so at this time we moved up to Hammond, Indiana to attend First Baptist Church and to enroll in Hyles-Anderson College. We both attended and we lived up there for seven years. David graduated in 1979 with a B.S. Degree in Pastoral Theology. We both worked in the bus ministry the whole time there and David was a member of the Fishermen’s Club under Bro. C.W. Fisk. He received awards for the most saved and down the aisle. We have many wonderful memories of the time we lived and served the Lord there.  David sang solos often in Chapel and at First Baptist Church.  It was the first time I had ever lived in snow, very much of a winter wonderland. Everything white was beautiful to me! 

Gift from C.W. Fisk for most souls saved and down the aisle.

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Pastoral Theology from Hyles-Anderson College.